FAYA will implement the most effective advertising campaign for your business, using both online and offline marketing to make sure your target audience is reached. We will avoid using mainstream tactics, to make sure you don’t blend in with the rest of the crowd, but rather, stand out in order to be recognized.
Social Media
Bus stops, airports, restaurants, everywhere you look, people are using their phones and tablets. It’s not enough to reach your audience with email and SEM alone, anymore. You need to reach them where they are spending most of their time, and speak to them in a language they will relate to- with Social Media. This can and will benefit you in two big ways: You can reach groups of people that are within your target industry, and spread word-of mouth referrals; and you can also stay on top of current events and topics of discussion within your industry- to make sure you’re always up to date. FAYA will show you how to do all this and more!